Create your Social Wall with posts from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
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Privacy Policy.
I agree to be contacted by e-mail to receive news, information and guides from Wallin srl.
Type your password so you can log in easily and securely whenever you want.
At least 6 characters and at least one number
What's your name? We like to know the people we work with by name.
First Name
Last Name
In this way Wallin ONE will automatically import images from your page into your SociallWall.
If you have an associated business instagram profile, you can access your posts or search for them by hashtag on the network.
Or press here to logout
I don't have a Facebook account
Our Artificial Intelligence algorithm will automatically select images from your company page in 30 seconds.
We don't post anything to Facebook. Login is only necessary to set up your custom TV channel. Your data are secure.
Select one of the follwing pages
We are creating your Social Wall
Type the hashtag to search into Instagram and Twitter: the found posts will populate your SocialWall.
Enter the hashtag to search:
Type the hashtag to search into Instagram and Twitter: the found posts will populate your SocialWall.
Type of display
Grazie al Digital Signage Marketing ho incrementato il numero di persone nel ristorante del mio Hotel con un solo schermo.
Fabio Cenni
Proprietario, Hotel **** Ercolini e Savi
Oggi ho finalmente abbandonato la stampa dei volantini ed offro un’esperienza unica per i miei clienti che acquistano più prodotti.
Michele Ghiraldo
Proprietario, Ghiraldo Primizie & Gastronomia
Grazie agli schermi possiamo comunicare i nostri serivizi, con una perfetta sinergia tra comunicazione cartacea, social e video.
Michela Oldrini
Marketing Manager, Life Village